Aama Bombo’s US Visit

8 07 2012

This is a good news, bad news, story.  Aama has been having some significant health issues. For some time it was considered unlikely that she would be well enough to travel to the US this summer.  The very good news is that she will be traveling to the 11th International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers in Montana on July 26 through 29th.

On her past two visits to the US she has also had several healing events in California which included visits to my home.  She will not be making these visits with the exception of a small gathering in the LA area which will not include the type of individual healings she has done here. Please join me in praying for Aama’s good health.

The gathering in Montana sounds to be an amazing event. Having attended one of these gatherings I know that Aama will pour her healing out in their public events, though again not like the individual ones she has done here. Perhaps you can consider traveling there. The cost is minimal and the opportunity to camp on the Northern Cheyenne land is marvelous.

Please join me also in extending our prayers and healing rituals for and to the land, people, animals, plants, and spirits currently threatened by fire in that area.



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